Friday, December 30, 2011


The past weekend was a bittersweet weekend as I attended the memorial service for Keith Grey. As I listened to people give some memories of Keith I saw nothing but consistency in his life. He was the same from person to person in how he lived his faith. Can I say that about myself? Can others say that about me?

Another aspect of Keith I was not really aware of was how important relationships were to him. He would drive miles, to see people he had met 20 years ago or more. He took trips to Texas, Chicago and right down the street to keep in touch. It is not my nature to do that, but is that really any excuse?

His testimony, the pastor shared, was simple and to the point. He thought that by being good enough, heaven would be open to him. Then someone took the time to show him the truth, that no man can fulfill God’s law, therefore no man can enter the kingdom of heaven, but for the sacrifice of Jesus the Messiah. And he choose to not just believe in the resurrection of Jesus, but to be a disciple of Jesus. I have no doubt that Keith is worshipping perfectly in the presence of God right now.

For many years now Keith had kidneys that were failing, but came back some… Apparently he was never known to ask, “why me God?” but to ask, “What is God trying to teach me?” As I go through cancer treatment, this question has really not been on my mind until Keith’s service. Since then it has been brought up by 3 other sources.

Keith, I miss you, hopefully I will take these thoughts further than FB. Look forward to seeing you again.

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