Friday, December 30, 2011

The past 7

  I was asked by Streamside Camp and Conference center to share about the past 7 months at a friends and neighbors dinner the have most every year before Christmas. After checking my calendar and seeing there was a bit of a challenge, I gave a doubtful answer, I think anyway, but promised to pray about it. God started tugging at my heart to do it really before I got off the phone. So I prayed talked with Shelly and said yes to it. The challenge for me was the dinner fell on the bad day of chemo. I requested a stool and warned I might not make it. Well, I made it and spoke, then thought this morning maybe I should share a bit of what I’ve learned for the past 7 months. This is the story, more or less of what was said last night….

  Life always has challenges, some planned some unplanned. I had planned one for June 25th, just before an YFC conference in Wildwood NJ. My challenge was to complete a 200 mile bicycle ride from Reeders PA to Wildwood NJ in one day. I had spent the spring training, riding 30-70 miles a day between rain drops. I was I believed ready for the trip. I lined up a driver for a support vehicle, and had a second rider; we were all I believe ready for it.
  About 3 weeks before the ride I found a problem with my body, the type my doctor said, come in right away if I have such a problem. Shelley made the appointment and I was there in the doctor’s office 48 hours later. My doctor was away so I got to see an associate of his.
  I told the associate doctor the symptom, and some family history he inquired about. After he got his information together he said he really didn’t think there would be any worries, but after giving on test to verify my symptom, we scheduled a pet scan and a colonoscopy.
The PET scan was done first, that takes a few days for the results. Then the colonoscopy was scheduled for the 22nd of June. The colonoscopy found a tumor; I was in surgery on the 23rd and was informed that the tumor and PET scan confirmed I had stage 3 colon cancer. According to the doctors the odds of me having this, in their technical terms was one in a gazillion. The good news was the believed the got all of the cancer. They had removed the tumor with a few inches of large intestine, and a whole bunch of lymph nodes. The bad new the 12 rounds of chemo once every 2 week to be sure all cancer was going to be gone. At this point I have one more round to go, and should be declared all clear.
I know many people say there first thoughts were why me. My first thoughts were why not me. I know that stuff, considered good and bad happens to everyone. Why should it avoid me? For that matter, though I forgot to mention this at the dinner, I believe God had prepared me ahead for this news. I believe that if you listen close enough, God does prep you for such things. Shelley and I went into fixit mode. Both of us were ready to make changes to help this time of chemo go as smooth as possible.
After the surgery, at some point, I had to go to the bathroom. I surprised the nurses by not needing any help, something most patients need, especially when their gut was split open for surgery. In my morphine dazed mind, I realized what timing this was for this to happen now. I was perfectly healthy but for the cancer. I was in the best physical shape I’ve ever been in, including high school. I was riding with better endurance and at nearly the same speeds, but with 30lbs more on me. Even my insurance was, and still is, about the best insurance you can have. God’s timing is perfect. If this was to happen to me, this was the best time in my life to happen. Not that I want this, there really seems to be no better time.  
  Recently I wondered if I would say the same thing if all this other timing stuff did not seem so good to me, would it still be God’s perfect timing. The answer I come up with is yes, God’s timing is perfect, even when I can not perceive how His timing would be perfect. God has a reason for this to happen, even if I cannot perceive why.
I was and still am amazed at how many people were willing to help in so many different ways. This encouraged me about people in general, and God’s church. Many offered to help with repairs around the house, food, and rides if I needed them. The most awesome help is those who have been praying for me, and have spread the word. There are literally people and churches praying for Shelley and me in Europe, Asia, as well as North and South America. In this country I cannot say how many different states there are that people are praying for us, any better than I can say how many churches in PA, or even Monroe County. I know there is allot praying, and for who, a school bus driver, and insurance agent. This excites Shelley and I the most, it is the best help we can get.
  I have thought how important it is to wait on God’s timing to receive the best He has for us. I say this in looking at my bride. I was not looking for a bride, and he gave me the perfect bride for me. I am sooooo
  My next chemo and a few tests should be the end of chemo for me. My brain however goes back to the beginning of the challenge. The doctor said I had a one in a gazillion of this being cancer. I beat the odds. Recently I found a lump above my collarbone, by the shoulder blade. I must admit this has my a bit scared. I really want to be done with this.
  I have had to already make a decision about this. If I am done with cancer officially by the end of February, I will praise God; I will give him the glory. I have decided that if there is more cancer to fight, I will praise Him, and give him the glory. Of course, I want this to be done by the end of February, if not I will hold on to Him for he will not let me go.
  One final thing, I have been asked how I can believe God is love, with my cancer and all this other bad stuff going around. It is simple. God is love because of the Christmas child, the Son of God who came to earth with one goal, to die, then rise from the dead, that we may have the opportunity to know him forever.

John A Miller

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End of this Wilderness

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