In listening to the squirrel did not miss what they were saying, but where they were referring to. Read the “Listen to the Squirrels” and you will know what I was referring to. What I missed was the use of sight, touch and hearing. Not that I didn’t use them, but I missed what they were saying. I wish I could have used the sense of smell as well. I have yet to smell a bear coming, but I know one who can. I decided I have to some how learn these smells.
I was set to hike to see animals, walking slowly, carefully listening and watching, carefully walking to see animals, touching was not even a thought. I was focused on the other senses, but missed most of the story before me of two bears grazing throught the woods. I wonder what else I miss and have missed when II was fully paying attention. There are far bigger stories I may have missed. I saw the rocks rolled over and the logs torn apart, claw marks visible. I missed the opportunity to use the tactile sense when I saw the bear scat and used really just sight. I heard the squirrels, yet missed the full message. I missed allot of the obvious.
When I saw the size of the rocks turned and the logs shredded I knew it was a bear, I caught only a part of the story. I missed whether leaves or other debris had blown into the hole left by the over turned rocks and logs. I knew the scat was bear, but missed not knowing how fresh it was by not be willing to take it apart, or touch it at all…YUCK!... yet I missed part of the story by not touching it. I heard the squirrels, yet missed where they were warning applying to me as the only predator they might be worried about.
How often do I miss a whole story assuming it was all about me or that I was in my own world, not watching the created world? I missed parts of the story, I was so focused on my search for critters, I missed the whole story of the momma and her cub, a story that got me within 30 feet of serious injury or death. I have wondered how many stories I have missed or misunderstood, being focused on me, stories of friends, family, the woods and God. Wow missing God’s stories, that is sad. Missing these stories because I did not train my focus, not touching, refusing to get personally involved, by not hearing the whole story, thinking it was all about me anyway.
Matthew 22:34-40 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
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