It occurred to me the other day how much I just love snow. I thought of this as I was shoveling a sidewalk in Stroudsburg. One side of the house is always light fluffy snow…even if a bit wet. The other side is always heavy as 5th street slosh splashes up on it. Yet I love it.
I hear many people complain about the amount of snow, or for this year how often it snows, griping…muttering, yet I love it. I have suggested too many they move south….further the South Jersey. I have been envious of them for 2, maybe three years now as they have been dumped on by amounts not equaled since I lived there as a child. I suggest they move to Fla. Where if they get some snow, it is rarely greater then a few flakes. Some give me dirty looks, some just bemoan…yes just bemoan…and moan…..and…………..yes seem happy miserable as they complain.
They say its to dangerous to drive in, I love driving in snow. The new cars with these automatic straiten the car out gismos ruin the some of the fun. I still love skiing, sledding and dodging snow balls. Yes, I even still love shoveling.
But I love the white stuff. It is far better than dandruff or soapy foam, cleaner than the whitest of sheep, so clean and crisp looking.
I like it most of all for what it reminds me of…
Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together,”
says the LORD.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
It reminds me of what God can do, cleans us from our sin. Cleans us of all those times we have ignored God, and done what we have wanted. It is a gift, to remind us of the forgiveness God offers us, and has provided us.
Maybe, just maybe the effort to clean up the snow is to remind us, just a bit, of what Jesus had to do for us to be our Messiah.
His willingness to become a man.
His willingness to tortured and crucified.
His giving His life so we may be forgiven of our sins,
Maybe cleaning up snow after God whitens the ground isn’t so bad after all. He gives us snow to remind us what he can do for us and has done for many. It seems a bit foolish to complain about the snow when you see it as a reminder of the work of the cross done for us, no?
John A Miller
THIS! and a mutual love of Jesus is why you and I are friends!! ; )